As part of digital hospitality, Cantilever strives to be a welcoming, safe, and fun place for team members to work.

To this end, here are some of the aspects that Cantilever has made part of its regular practice:

What’s With The Sheep?

Sherbert the Sheep (alias Sherbert LeMouton) is the official Cantilever mascot. He started as an illustration that Ty did for fun during college (Ty is a weird guy). This is the original Sherbert:


The fun part about Sherbert is that his limbs and tail are not physically connected to him. They actually just float near him. So sometimes they get stuck on random objects and he has to go find them.

Sherbert was the name on our shared inbox for a while and some clients received emails from that and thought that someone named Sherbert LeMouton actually worked here, which is true, in a sense.

Because of Sherbert, you will often see 🐑 emojis in our team communication. It has nothing to do with Digital Hospitality. It’s just Sherbert, ya dig?