Before Starting

Make sure you have all the prerequisite tooling installed:

[Composer, installed globally. You should be able to type "composer install" rather than php ./composer.phar, for instance.](

Setting up a project to use Lando

Setting up a project to use Lando is relatively simple. Everything is configured from a .lando.yml file. Follow these steps to get started:

Update the .env secure note in 1Password

Every repo should have a secure note created in 1Password with the .env contents. We should consider this the one source of truth for the .env file. This should be named [PROJECTNAME] - Local Env (where PROJECTNAME is the name of the account/vault in 1Pass). After migrating a project to use Lando (or setting it up fresh), you will want to make sure that the database keys in the .env file match what Lando created.

Lando uses a simple naming scheme when creating the local database. Your local database will have the following credentials, using coversports as the example: